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The Chinese President said the troops should keep an eye on "war preparations"

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called on the country military to keep its mind and energy on war preparations. He made the remarks while inspecting a military base in Guandong on Ttatehuesday. the country's state news agency Xinhua said in a report. 

While inspecting the People's Liberation Army base in the city of Chaozhhou ,Xi called on the Country's army to be more vigilant. He told the army members that they must be absolutely loyal, absolutely authentic and absolutely reliable.

The main  purpose of Xi's visit to Guangdong on Wednesday was to deliver a speech commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. It was estaballished in 1980. It has a big role  to play in attracting foreign investment and making China the word's second largest economic power. 

But Xi chose a time for his military visit at a time when tensions between China and U.S are at their height level in decades. tensions are running  high between Washington and Beijing over the Taiwan issue and the corona virus epidemic.

The White House told the Senate last Monday that it was going to sell there advanced weapons to Taiwan.

There has been a strong reaction from Easing. Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian called on  Washington to cancel the arms deal immediately. He also called on the United States to sever military ties with Taiwan.  

Meanwhile, China has intensified military exercise around Taiwan. Last 18-19 September,40 warplanes were were trained.  


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