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 Man is for man . I think it's an odd idea . Human beings are for all . Human being is the best creation of god . So , he has to be the best as he is . Human being is the best just because of his humanity . No creatures of the planet capture no humanity in themselves . Human is the best creature as well as may be the worst , cause of humanity .

According to simple sight , we are the best . But we don't act like the best . I we did , we would try to know why we are the best . We all know that , " Every mother's loves her child " . This phrase is appropriate for all . For so called Homo sapiens as well as Naza naza . Venomous snakes are better weird and harmful animal to us . We already know that a snake don't used to bite unless it get hurts . So , snake is dangerous for all other because it bites or attack to protect themselves .
A man also attack to protect himself . Then ,is human being the best for his humanity where snake is worse ?? I think it's a fare judgement . Human is more venomous than the others . Now a days , RAPE is the most disgusting issue . An appropriate issue for headaches . For the sake of newspaper , we barely able to know the trailer scene of rape cases . My mother is an advocate . So, I know the real scene of this curse . We are the best creature , that's why a girl of six years is been raped . We rape also mother of five offspring . A girl of six years seems to be a doll . We can't control ourselves seeing a doll , a mother . Shame! shame! shame! We are the best , shame !
Then RACISM is an ongoing hot issue . The developed country like America is the main host of this boon . As we will see , according to the aspects of religion , " man is for man , man have to help man , man have to love man , man have to respect , accept man and man have to be responsible to the other living creatures " . Where are we ?? We are proud to be a man . I'm proud to be a man . Then , according to the aspects of evolution , at the primary stage of Homo sapiens , the black were the first presentation . Then , from the black we got the European race . The cause of this transformation is our surroundings , weather , nature . Aren't we humiliating our ancestors by creating the issue 'racism' ?? We ignore the black from their possessiveness , from their rights . Then we are the best creation !!
In present , love is Love is defeated by color . We can't love the black . May be , no one loves me because of my color except mother . To a mother her children are the best without any doubt . Let the term go . We can't love man of other religions because of our society . It means I'm not standing in support of this term . But I'm claiming my society . Because , a society is like a shelter . It has many things to do . Except doing this why the start bulshiting if this type of thing occur ?? Society gives us shelter , guide , help , opportunity to earn money and fame .
The population of Bangladesh is around 16 crore . But the number of human being is very poor . I may be black , may be poor or may be totally ugly , but first of all I'm a man . You are also a man . We all are man . We have to control ourselves , maintain ourselves , we need to be truthful . We have to be responsible to the others . One might be a Muslim , A Hindus , A Christ or A Buddhist . But first of all he is a man . Humanity makes us human being . But to be the best creature , we have to capture all of human criteria and pray to god .
Writter-@Raihanul Islam Polok

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